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W3 professorship for "Physical Chemistry" (m/f/d)
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Full Time
Apply by: 2025-03-30
Published: 2025-02-17
a W3 professorship for "Physical Chemistry" (m/f/d)
is available.Time limit:
Full-time civil servantStart:
as soon as possibleLocation:
W3 LBesGDepartment:
ChemistryThe University of Kaiserslautern (RPTU) is the technical university of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate with about 17,000 students, more than 300 professorships and around 160 degree programs. As a place of top international research, it offers excellent working conditions and career opportunities. Those who study, research or work at the RPTU experience a cosmopolitan environment and shape the future.
Please note that with regard to the applicable legal basis, the German version of this job advertisement is binding.
Your tasks:
The future holder of the position should represent the field of “Physical Chemistry” both in research and teaching. The position will be filled by a candidate with excellent knowledge in a current, future-oriented field of physical chemistry, preferably the spectroscopy of molecules and aggregates. The candidate is expected to be willing to work in interdisciplinary collaboration with other research groups at the Department of Chemistry and to cooperate with other departments of RPTU as well as to regularly acquire third-party funding. The research focus must be highly compatible with the Departments research foci “Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Development”, “Interaction of Light, Spin and Matter” and/or “Life Sciences and Bioanalytics”, in fundamental as well as applied science. A participation in the State Research Center OPTIMAS or the research focus NanoKat is conceivable. Further information can be found on the RPTU website.The future holder of the advertised professorship will be responsible for teaching courses in German and English language in Physical Chemistry (including the associated lab courses) for the B.Sc./M.Sc. programs offered by the Department of Chemistry, as well as those for Business Engineering (Chemistry), Biophysics and Bio- and Chemical Engineering across the full range of subjects. In addition to appropriate scientific qualifications, applicants are expected to have special pedagogical-didactic skills and proven experience in teaching. The professional duties also include active participation in the academic self-administration of the Department.
Our requirements profile:
The state of Rhineland-Palatinate and RPTU advocate a supervision concept in which teachers are expected to be present at the university location. In addition to the general requirements under employment law, the recruitment requirements set out in § 49 of the Hochschulgesetz Rheinland-Pfalz apply.RPTU stands for the diversity of all employees. We welcome applications from all interested persons, regardless of their ethnic and social background, age, religion, gender, disability and sexual orientation or identity. Severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent status will be given preference if they are suitably qualified and suitable for the position (please enclose proof of severe disability/equal status with your application).
RPTU strives to increase the proportion of women in areas in which women are underrepresented. Applications from female scientists and researchers from abroad are particularly encouraged.
Your application:
We look forward to receiving your application in a single pdf file (curriculum vitae, certificates, teaching concept and rese arch strategy, list of publications, reprints of the five most important papers, description of previous activities in research and teaching as well as a tabular presentation of the third-party funded projects).Deadline: March, 30th, 2025.
Please submit your application via the “online Application” button below or via our application portal () Informal inquiries can be addressed to the Dean of the Department of Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Antonio Pierik, e-mail address or by phone, +49 (0)631 205 4953.

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