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Assistant Professorship (W1) "Neuroergonomics"
Universität Stuttgart
Assistant Professorship (W1) „Neuroergonomics“
The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany in one of Europe’s most vibrant high-tech and industrial areas. The university is a reliable employer, partner for technology transfer and is committed to the interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level.
At the University of Stuttgart, the Faculty of Design, Production and Automotive Engineering has a vacancy for a W1 professorship in “Neuroergonomics” (without tenure track). The professorship is situated at the Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT). The person sought should represent the subject of Neuroergonomics in research and teaching, be internationally recognized in their research, have experience in cooperation with industry and complement the existing expertise at the institute. Relevant experience in one or more of the following areas is desirable:
- Human Factors Engineering
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Applied psychology and human factors
- Brain-computer interfaces for neuroadaptive technologies
- Machine learning and signal analysis with a focus on multimodal processing/fusion and classification of neurophysiological signals
References to the university's profile areas, simulation science, architecture and adaptive construction, digital humanities or production technology, as well as to existing networks, such as ELLIS, IMPRS-IS, Cyber Valley and AISA, are also welcome. The future post holder is expected to participate in and contribute to teaching in German and English in the Faculty's Bachelor and Master programmes as well as actively acquire third-party funding and participate in collaborative research projects at the university.
We are searching for an individual who is distinguished by high-ranking scientific achievements with international visibility.
For a qualitative assessment of your academic accomplishments, we kindly ask you to submit a short description of your three most important scientific achievements, which should be no longer than one page in total. Possible successes may include, for example, those in the fields of research, teaching, science and society, knowledge and technology transfer, inventions and patents, software development or spin-offs.
The requirements for employment listed in § 51 Baden-Württemberg university law (LHG) apply.
Written applications including a detailed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, list of publications, research and teaching concept and a list of the three most important scientific achievements should be sent in electronic form no later than April, 11th to the dean’s office of Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering, preferably as a single PDF file. Please be aware of the risks regarding confidentiality and the integrity of your application contents when sending your application via unencrypted email. Alternatively, postal applications to Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany are also accepted. Please address any questions regarding the current appointment process to Prof. Bernd Gundelsweiler (
The University of Stuttgart has established a Dual Career Program to offer assistance to partners of those moving to Stuttgart:
Information on the collection of personal data in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR can be found via the following link:

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