
WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management - Logo

Research Assistant/Doctoral Student (f/m/d) - Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC)

WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management

Part Time
Published: 2025-02-07

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is the leading private business school in Germany and is continuously ranked among the top business schools in Europe. On WHU’s two campuses in Vallendar (near Koblenz) and Düsseldorf, faculty, students, and staff enjoy working in a stimulating international environment. The organizational culture combines an entrepreneurial attitude and international orientation with a strong sense of community and diversity and a high commitment to excellence.

Research Assistant/Doctoral Student (f/m/d) – Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC)

Temporary, Part-time • Vallendar

General information
Under the joint directorship of Prof. Lukas Löhlein, Prof. Marko Reimer and Prof. Utz Schäffer, the Institute of Management Accounting and Control (IMC) is a leading think tank in management accounting and control, that features and encourages the use of concepts, theories, and methods from economics as well as social sciences (organization studies, sociology).

Your mission
Work on exciting research questions like:

  • How will digitalization and artificial intelligence change finance & controlling?
  • How can you make sure that companies walk their environmental and social talk?
  • How can companies make performance management more flexible and adaptive?
  • How can CFOs and controllers make a difference in the corporate transformation process?
The specific topic of your dissertation will be chosen in consultation with your supervisors and we are happy to discuss any thoughts and ideas on above mentioned questions but also your own ideas that you might have. However, please note that you are not required to apply with a well-elaborated research proposal!

Your profile
You will need…
  • a strong interest in the above-mentioned research areas,
  • superior analytical skills and a high degree of curiosity,
  • a high level of perseverance and energy,
  • a very good master-level university degree,
  • and excellent English language skills.
Come join our team!

What we offer
  • Do research from day 1 and benefit from the close interaction, support, and cooperation with our faculty, international guests, and other doctoral students.
  • Join a strong team with a unique culture: a passion for our field, teamwork, constant learning, open dialogue, and the power of a better argument are key!
  • Benefit from our close ties to leading companies and unrivalled data access.
  • Apply your insights: we are Germany’s #1 think tank in management accounting & control.
  • Participate in a broad range of seminars, doctoral colloquia, and international conferences.
  • Become part of our great academic family with successful alumni in research and practice!
  • Explore leading universities (London, Paris, Stockholm, etc.) as Visiting Doctoral Student.
  • Flexible working conditions possible!
Academic Environment
WHU has more than 50 faculty members in the fields of management, finance and accounting, economics, entrepreneurship and innovation, marketing and sales, and supply chain manage­ment. Research at WHU aims to adhere to three principles: quality, internationality, and practical relevance.

Dr. Carsten Lucaß
Senior Office Manager, HR & Alumni Relations
phone: +49 261 6509-473
e-mail: carsten.lucass@whu.edu
Job location

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