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W3 Professorship in History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine

Justus-Liebig-Universität ³Ò¾±±ðß±ð²Ô

Full Time
Apply by: 2025-03-27
Published: 2025-02-21

The Faculty of Medicine of Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) invites applications for a

W3 Professorship in History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine

as of the earliest possible date. Reference is made to § 67 Para. 7 Hessian Higher Education Act (HessHG) and to the conditions of employment based on § 68 HessHG. Proficient knowledge of German is expected.

The successful candidate will represent the field of “History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine- in research and teaching in its entire spectrum.

The Institute of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine is assigned a W2 professorship in the field of „Global Health, Migration, and Cultural Studies in Medicine-. Corresponding collaborations within the Institute are expected.

The focus of your research should be on the challenges faced by medicine during the 20th and 21st century. Co-operation across the university-s faculties are desirable as well as the integration into one of the JLU-s focus areas and areas of potential. Amongst these are the focus areas “Mechanisms of perception and adaptation- and “Cardiopulmonary system (Heart/Lungs)-, and the areas of potential “Culture – Conflict – Security (Focus: Eastern Europe)- and “Infections, inflammations and active ingredients-. In addition, your co-operation in at least one of the JLU-s accent areas in which the Faculty of Medicine is involved is desirable (e.g. “Experimental and applied neuroscience-, “Nutrition of humans and animals- or “e-Health-).

It is expected that the perspectives, questions, and insights from the history of science and medical ethics, in particular in view of new technologies and methods, will also be shared in public debates.

You are actively involved in graduate training at the relevant JLU graduate centres (Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL), Giessen Graduate Centre for Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Law (GGS) or Giessen Graduate Centre for Humanities (GGK) / lnternational Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)) and promote, as far as possible, the bridging between the graduate centres in the life sciences and those in cultural studies.

During your activity at JLU, we expect further success in independent acquisition of external funding. You should participate in existing research networks, independently acquire research projects (preferably from DFG, BMBF and/or EU) and participate in further national and international networks.

Your teaching obligation is 8 semester hours per week. You will be actively involved in teaching in the medicine and dentistry degree programmes at JLU. In addition, you will engage in the export of teaching to the neighbouring University of Marburg. You will also participate in the subject track „Formations of Knowledge“ in the context of the transdisciplinary degree programme Liberal Arts & Sciences with teaching in the field of ethics of medicine and science, as well as reflexive science studies, and/or in the future subject track „Ethics in context“. It is also expected that you will participate in the creation and implementation of the envisaged master programme „History of Science“, in collaboration with the University of Marburg, and in the development and implementation of international teaching courses in the context of the EUPeace University Alliance and the digital Virtual International Programme (VIP).

The universities of Giessen and Marburg and the University of Applied Sciences in Central Hessen are working together in a research alliance (Research Campus of Central Hessen) as a structured cooperation based on coordinated priorities. It is expected that the applicant shows cooperativeness to university and department-wide collaborative projects.

The integration of gender aspects in research and teaching is explicitly desired.

Prerequisites for the position include a successfully completed university education (preferably in medicine or historical science), the ability to scientific work for the fulfilment of the tasks according to § 67 Para. 1 HessHG, usually proven by an outstanding doctorate, and excellent additional academic achievements (e.g. habilitation or relevant, international recognized publications).

You should be internationally recognized in your field of research and should have extensive expertise in History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine, documented by international cooperation experience and high-ranked publications in medical and cultural science contexts, in particular in the history of science and medical ethics. Success in independent acquisition and management of externally funded projects (preferably DFG, BMBF) is a prerequisite. A focus of your previous scientific work in the field of the 20th and 21st century is desirable.

In addition, proof of a special pedagogical aptitude is required as a qualification to represent the specialist field in academic teaching and in graduate studies with great commitment and in its whole scope. You should have documented and comprehensive experience in the organization and implementation of teaching in the field of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine as well as in the study degree programmes in medicine and dentistry as defined in the cross-sectional topic-area 2 of the Licensing Regulations for Physicians (ÄApprO) „History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine“ and „Medical Terminology/Language in Medicine“.

In case the candidate exceeds the basic age limit of 50 years, a civil servant appointment under § 66 Para. 3 sentences 2 and 3 Hessian Higher Education Act (HessHG) in conjunction with § 11 Hessian Career Regulation (HLVO) requires a specific functional interest.

The JLU aims to employ more women in academic research. We therefore particularly encourage female candidates to apply. JLU also pursues the goal at faculty leadership level of increased competence in dealing with gender and family-related issues. JLU is regarded as a family-friendly university. Applicants with children are very welcome. Applications from disabled people of equal aptitude will be given preference.

We strongly recommend candidates to refer to our on application procedures.

Applicants are encouraged additionally to fill in one of the (Bewerbungsbogen – application form).

Please send your application with the required documents via to the President of Justus Liebig University Giessen by March 27th, 2025, quoting the reference number K-01/25.
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